Libelium micro controller and sensor board
Libelium micro controller and sensor board
Hardware Setup
In this tutorial we get temperature and humidity sensors values attached to Libelium Micro Controller Board. Below is the list of Hardware that is part of Libelium Waspmote Starter Kit. Waspmote is Libelium's advanced mote for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Micro Controller: ATMega1281
- XBee 802.15.4 Multipoint Wireless Networking RF Module (Series 1): This will be attached to the MicroController on Radio Socket 0
- XBee 802.15.4 USB-PC Waspmote Gateway: This will be attached to your laptop or Gateway on which TQLEngine will be running.
- Agriculture Sensor Board
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Mini-USB Cable to power on the Micro Controller
- Setup: Attach Sensor Board to the Micro Controller; Mini-USB cable to one of the laptops USB, Waspmote USB-PC adaptor to another USB port of the Laptop; Temperature+Humidity Sensor to the Sensor Board.
- Software Setup for the Hardware: We need to make sure that Hardware is functional with appropriate configuration of XBee mesh.
- XCTU : This Configuration and Test Utility Software from Digi
Make sure you unplug Mini-USB cable from your laptop before doing the search of XCTU.
Click Next
Click Finish
Add Selected Devices.
Scroll down to Serial Interfacing and Select API Enabled
Let's select our own PANID (1234) and then click write
Let's make USB-PC Gateway as the Coordinator
Note that Radio Module changes to C on Left hand side:
Repeat these steps for the other XBee Series 1 Module. Making this one as the EndPoint.
- Waspmote IDE: This is needed to program the MicroController.
Download Waspmote Pro IDE
- Upload the Sensor Enabler code on the Micro controller.
, multiple selections available,
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