Troubleshooting Guide for Atomiton Serial Driver

Troubleshooting Guide for Atomiton Serial Driver

Mac OS

  1. Issues with Makefile: Download latest version of serialbasedprotocol folder contents from here
  2. Change directory to your current Engine Installation and then to syslib folder.
  3. Unzip the perifupdate.zip file downloaded in step (2)
  4. Change directory to serailbasedprotocols and run command "make"
  5. Copy the libserial.dylib file from syslib/serialbasedprotocols/library to /Library/Java/Extensions/ folder

Raspberry Pi (or Other smaller Memory size Controllers)

  1. Default Size of JVM on start.sh is too high. Edit start.sh and remove –Xmx6537m from java command
  2. Issues with Makefile: Download latest version of serialbasedprotocol folder contents from here
  3. Change directory to your current Engine Installation and then to syslib folder.
  4. Unzip the perifupdate.zip file downloaded in step (2)
  5. Change directory to serailbasedprotocols and run command "make"
  6. Copy the libserial.so file from syslib/serialbasedprotocols/library to /lib
  7. Add –Djava.library.path=/lib to java command in start.sh

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