USB Camera Driver Installation
USB Camera Driver Installation
Installing V4l4j
For the ucam handler to work two things are needed, the video driver of the camera which comes by default and the v4l4j library. The steps below show installing of v4l4j library
- Before installing the v4l4j some packages are needed to be installed. If you are running debian based operating system type the command
sudo apt-get install ant libjpeg8-dev
It will download and install the required prereqs,
- Now download the latest version of the library (v4l4j-0.x.x.tar.gz) from the following link https://code.google.com/archive/p/v4l4j/downloads
- Then go to the v4l4j directory (cd v4l4j-0.x.x) and start the build process by typing the command shown below
On Raspbian Wheezy (Raspberry pi):
JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/ LIBPIXFC=pixfc-sse/libpixfc-sse-armv6l-hardfp.a ant clean all
On Wheezy beta: (Raspberry Pi):
JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/ LIBPIXFC=pixfc-sse/libpixfc-sse-armv6l-softfp.a ant clean all
On other environments setup:
Setup JDK_HOME environment variable to your JDK path and do ant clean all
If you get this error "error: libv4lconvert.h: No such file or directory" , type
sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
And do the build process again.
- Once the build process is completed
- Install by running command
sudo ant install
- Finally test the library by running command
ant test-fps