11. Gateways, Cloud - Edge Computing
11. Gateways, Cloud - Edge Computing
Baseer Khan
Owned by jrenbb
Key Concepts
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IoT application topology | |
Selective initialization | |
Cluster |
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Engine-to-engine queries | |
Edge-cloud parallel controls | |
Edge over-ride and cloud over-ride controls |
In order to model a real-world IoT application or a solution it is imperative to distribute load. In Greenhouse example we have a total of 270+ Sensors and Actuators.
It is impractical to run entire sensors and actuators on one single node (either OnPrem or Cloud)
Cluster Design
Greenhouse Model Review
Complete Greenhouse Model (Queries, Macros, Facets, Models, Types) can be found here
- Primitive Types
- Cardinality
- Defaults
- Composites
Greenhouse Types Expand source
<Def Name="EnvInfo"> <Number Name="Temperature"/> <Number Name="Humidity"/> <Number Name="Light"/> <Number Name="Pressure"/> <Number Name="SoilMoisture"/> <Number Name="Wind"/> <String Name="LastUpdatedByProvider"/> </Def> <Def Name="BoundingBox"> <GeoLocation Name="Vertex1"/> <GeoLocation Name="Vertex2"/> <GeoLocation Name="Vertex3"/> <GeoLocation Name="Vertex4"/> </Def> <Def Name="GeoLocation"> <Number Name="latitude"/> <Number Name="longitude"/> </Def> <Def Name="PeripheralParams"> <String Name="Peripheral" /> <String Name="InterfacePort" /> <String Name="Interface" /> <String Name="UniqueId" default="56789" /> <String Name="Baudrate" /> <String Name="Format" default="ascii" /> <String Name="Operation" /> <String Name="Payload" /> </Def> <Def Name="PhilipLightState"> <Boolean Name="On"/> <Integer Name="bri"/> <Integer Name="hue"/> <Integer Name="sat"/> <String Name="effect"/> <Double Name="xy" cardinality="2"/> <Integer Name="ct"/> <String Name="alert"/> <String Name="colormode"/> <Boolean Name="reachable"/> </Def> <Def Name="ImageSize"> <Number Name="Height" /> <Number Name="Width" /> </Def> <Def Name="CameraConfig"> <Number Name="Channel" /> <Number Name="Standard" /> <Number Name="Brightness" /> <Number Name="Contrast" /> <Number Name="Gamma" /> <Number Name="Saturation" /> <Number Name="Sharpness" /> <Number Name="Hue" /> <Number Name="Gain" /> <Number Name="Quality" /> </Def> <Def Name="USBCameraParams"> <ImageSize Name="Size" /> <CameraConfig Name="Configuration" /> <String Name="SaveToDisk" /> <String Name="ImageFormat" /> <String Name="ImageName" /> </Def>
- Primitive Types
- Default Format
- Hidden Modifiers
- Simple References
Greenhouse DataModel Expand source
<DataModel Name="Greenhouse"> <Sid Name="GreenhouseID"/> <String Name="GreenhouseName"/> <GeoLocation Name="Location"/> <String Name="LocationName"/> <BoundingBox Name="Boundary"/> <Integer Name="LaneCount"/> <Double Name="LaneWidth"/> <Double Name="ZoneLength"/> <Integer Name="ZoneInLane"/> <Integer Name="ZoneCount"/> <Double Name="GHLength"/> <Double Name="GHWidth"/> <EnvInfo Name="ExternalEnv"/> <EnvInfo Name="InternalEnv"/> <String Name="VentOnOffState"/> <String Name="FansOnOffState"/> <Boolean Name="SunnyDay"/> <Boolean Name="Running" default="false"/> <!-- true / false --> <Reference Name="GHLanes"/> <Reference Name="GHExternalEnv"/> <Reference Name="GHInternalEnv"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="Lane"> <Sid Name="LaneID"/> <String Name="LaneName"/> <Double Name="LaneLength"/> <Double Name="LaneWidth"/> <Integer Name="ZoneInLane"/> <String Name="BorderLane"/> <BoundingBox Name="LaneLocation"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> <Reference Name="LaneZones"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="Zone"> <Sid Name="ZoneID"/> <String Name="ZoneName"/> <BoundingBox Name="ZoneLocation"/> <GeoLocation Name="Location"/> <Double Name="ZoneWidth"/> <Double Name="ZoneLength"/> <Integer Name="GridOnLength"/> <Integer Name="GridOnWidth"/> <Integer Name="GridCount"/> <Double Name="GridLength"/> <Double Name="GridWidth"/> <String Name="EndZone"/> <Double Name="ZoneTemperature"/> <Double Name="ZoneHumidity"/> <Double Name="ZoneAvgSM"/> <Double Name="ZoneAvgLight"/> <String Name="CropType"/> <Date Name="SeedingDate" format="$SimpleDateFormat(dd-MM-yyyy)"/> <Date Name="LastFertilisationDate" format="$SimpleDateFormat(dd-MM-yyyy)"/> <String Name="HarvestingSeason"/> <Integer Name="NoOfPlants"/> <Double Name="VPD"/> <String Name="Live"/> <!-- Yes/No --> <Reference Name="LaneID" Type="Lane" Cardinality="1"/> <Reference Name="ZoneGrids"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="Grid"> <Sid Name="GridID"/> <String Name="GridName"/> <BoundingBox Name="GridLocation"/> <Integer Name="GridNSPosition"/> <Integer Name="GridWEPosition"/> <Double Name="GridLength"/> <Double Name="GridWidth"/> <Double Name="SoilMoisture"/> <Double Name="AmbientLight"/> <Reference Name="ZoneID" Type="Zone" Cardinality="1"/> </DataModel> <AppModel Name="ExternalEnv"> <Sid Name="ExternalEnvID"/> <Number Name="ExtTemperature"/> <Number Name="ExtHumidity"/> <Number Name="ExtLight"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </AppModel> <AppModel Name="InternalEnv"> <Sid Name="InternalEnvID"/> <Number Name="IntTemperature"/> <Number Name="IntHumidity"/> <Number Name="IntLight"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </AppModel> <DataModel Name="AvgCityTemp"> <Sid Name="Sid"/> <Number Name="Month"/> <Number Name="AvgMonthHighTemp"/> <Number Name="AvgMonthLowTemp"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="AvgCityHumidity"> <Sid Name="Sid"/> <Number Name="Month" Modifiers="hidden"/> <Number Name="MorningHumidity"/> <Number Name="AfternoonHumidity"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="GHTempSensorCurrentTemp"> <Sid Name="Sid"/> <String Name="TempSensorID"/> <Double Name="CurrentTemp"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </DataModel> <DataModel Name="GHHumiditySensorCurrentHumidity"> <Sid Name="Sid"/> <String Name="HumiditySensorID"/> <Double Name="CurrentHumidity"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </DataModel>
ThingModel and ThingFacets
- Protocol Handlers Used: PERIF, UCAM, HTTP, PHID
- Attach Things to Data using Simple References
- Proxy Sensor Design Pattern (Single MCUThingFacet → All Sensors)
- ThingFacets with Multiple Actions
- ThingFacet to load Vendor-Specified MetaData
Greenhouse ThingModel and Facets Expand source
<ThingModel Name="GHHumiditySensor" Combines="GHHumiditySensorFacet"> <Sid Name="SensorId"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="GHTempSensor" Combines="GHTempSensorFacet"> <Sid Name="sensorId"/> <Reference Name="GreenhouseID" Type="Greenhouse" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="ServoMotorDevice" combines="ServoMotor"> <Sid Name="ServoID"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="HumiditySensor" Combines="HumiditySensorFacetNS"> <Sid Name="sensorId"/> <Reference Name="ZoneID" Type="Zone" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="Heater"> <Sid Name="HeaterID"/> <String Name="OnOffState"/> <Integer Name="HeatingLevel"/> <Reference Name="ZoneID" Type="Zone" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="LightModel" Combines="LightFacetNS"> <Sid Name="LightID"/> <Reference Name="GridID" Type="Grid" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="AmbientLightSensorModel" Combines="AmbientLightSensorFacetNS"> <Sid Name="AmbientLightID"/> <Reference Name="GridID" Type="Grid" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="IrrigationNozzleModel" Combines="IrrigationNozzleFacetNS"> <Sid Name="IrrigationNozzleID"/> <Reference Name="GridID" Type="Grid" Cardinality="1"/> </ThingModel> <ThingModel Name="MCUSensorModel" combines="MCUSensorFacet"> <Sid Name="SensorId"/> </ThingModel>
- Pipeline Macros - ExecuteQuery, ScheduleJob, UnScheduleJob, SubscribeToTQL
- Greenhouse Creation (Bulk Initialization)
- Simulate Sensors & Actuators
- Internal Activation of ThingFacets
Greenhouse Macros Expand source
<Macro Name="ExecuteQuery"> <Argument> <QueryString> <Query/> </QueryString> </Argument> <Result> <OnRequest Target="[:RuntimeParams.FacetIDName:]" Disable="CMD_SERVER"> <Process Return="CMD_NOP"> <Message> <Value> [:$Macro.Argument.QueryString:] </Value> </Message> </Process> </OnRequest> </Result> </Macro>
Gateway Setup
- The gateway selected for the Greenhouse setup is ADVANTECH UTX-3115 sold by Intel
Operating System: Running Wind River Linux [Linux WR-IDP-689C 3.14.56_IDP-XT_3.1-WR7.0.0.11_idp]. - This gateway represents 1 zone and 1 Grid
How things are connected to Gateways
Gateway Type Things Protocol Grid Zone Intel ADVANTECH Ambient Light Sensor Xbee/Serial Intel ADVANTECH Soil Sensor Xbee/Serial Intel ADVANTECH Light Xbee/IP Intel ADVANTECH Irrigation Nozzle (Selonoid) Xbee/Serial Intel ADVANTECH Temperature Sensor Xbee/Serial Intel ADVANTECH Humidity Sensor Xbee/Serial Raspberry Pi - 3 Camera UCAM/Serial TQLEngine Heater - Simulated Intel ADVANTECH Irrigation Motor PHID/Serial
Cloud Setup (AWS)
- TQLEngine running in Private Subnet of VPC with Elastic IP Address
- Simply follow Download and install Atomiton Stack Steps.
- Import the Greenhouse Models
Initialization Variation
Cloud Initialization
- None
- Wait and watch!
Live Gateway Init
We only need to Initialize one things and data for 1 zone
Live Gateway - Init Queries Expand source<Query> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Greenhouse> <GreenhouseID ne=""/> </Greenhouse> </DeleteAll> <Create> <Greenhouse> <GreenhouseID> livegreenhouse </GreenhouseID> <GreenhouseName> Intel-GreenHouse </GreenhouseName> <BoundingBox> <Vertex1> 0 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 0 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 110 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 40 </Vertex4> </BoundingBox> <LaneCount> 3 </LaneCount> <LaneWidth> 110 </LaneWidth> <ZoneLength> 10 </ZoneLength> <ZoneInLane> 5 </ZoneInLane> <ZoneCount> 15 </ZoneCount> <GHLength> 110 </GHLength> <GHWidth> 40 </GHWidth> <ExternalEnv> <Temperature> 26 </Temperature> <Humidity> 53 </Humidity> <Light> 1 </Light> <SoilMoisture> 20 </SoilMoisture> <Wind> 19.5 </Wind> </ExternalEnv> <InternalEnv> <Temperature> 20 </Temperature> <Humidity> 53 </Humidity> <Light> 1 </Light> <SoilMoisture> 1 </SoilMoisture> </InternalEnv> <GHLanes> </GHLanes> <SunnyDay> True </SunnyDay> <Location> <latitude> 37.3718999 </latitude> <longitude> -122.0022377 </longitude> </Location> </Greenhouse> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Lane> <LaneID ne=""/> </Lane> </DeleteAll> <Create> <Lane> <LaneID> livelane </LaneID> <GreenhouseID> livegreenhouse </GreenhouseID> <LaneName> lane-1 </LaneName> <LaneLength> 5 </LaneLength> <LaneWidth> 1 </LaneWidth> <ZoneInLane> 4 </ZoneInLane> <BorderLane> 1 </BorderLane> <BoundingBox> <Vertex1> 5 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 28 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 105 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 38 </Vertex4> </BoundingBox> </Lane> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Zone> <ZoneID ne=""/> </Zone> </DeleteAll> <Create> <Zone> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <ZoneName> Intel-Zone </ZoneName> <LaneID> livelane </LaneID> <ZoneLength> 1 </ZoneLength> <ZoneWidth> 1 </ZoneWidth> <ZoneLocation> <Vertex1> 1 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 1 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 1 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 1 </Vertex4> </ZoneLocation> <EndZone> endzone </EndZone> <GridOnLength> 1 </GridOnLength> <GridOnWidth> 1 </GridOnWidth> <GridCount> 1 </GridCount> <GridLength> 1 </GridLength> <GridWidth> 1 </GridWidth> <ZoneTemperature> 26 </ZoneTemperature> <ZoneHumidity> 53 </ZoneHumidity> <ZoneAvgSM> 20 </ZoneAvgSM> <ZoneAvgLight> 2 </ZoneAvgLight> <CropType> Apple </CropType> <SeedingDate> 11-04-2016 </SeedingDate> <LastFertilisationDate> 14-04-2016 </LastFertilisationDate> <HarvestingSeason> April </HarvestingSeason> <NoOfPlants> 5 </NoOfPlants> <VPD> 0 </VPD> <Location> <latitude> 1.11 </latitude> <longitude> 1.12 </longitude> </Location> <Live> yes </Live> </Zone> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Grid> <GridID ne=""/> </Grid> </DeleteAll> <Create> <Grid> <GridName> Intel-Grid </GridName> <GridID> livegrid </GridID> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <GridLength> 1 </GridLength> <GridWidth> 1 </GridWidth> <GridNSPosition> N </GridNSPosition> <GridWEPosition> E </GridWEPosition> <GridLocation> <Vertex1> 1 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 1 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 1 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 1 </Vertex4> </GridLocation> <SoilMoisture> 53 </SoilMoisture> <AmbientLight> 0 </AmbientLight> </Grid> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <MCUSensorModel> <sensorId ne=""/> </MCUSensorModel> </DeleteAll> <Save format="version,current"> <!-- This will read --> <MCUSensorModel> <PerifParams> <Peripheral> serial </Peripheral> <Baudrate> 115200 </Baudrate> <InterfacePort> /dev/ttyUSB0 </InterfacePort> <Interface> serial </Interface> <Format> ascii </Format> <Operation> receive </Operation> <UniqueId> 76522 </UniqueId> <Payload> $Null() </Payload> </PerifParams> <SensorData> $Null() </SensorData> <InitSubscribers> true </InitSubscribers> </MCUSensorModel> </Save> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <TempSensor> <sensorId ne=""/> </TempSensor> </DeleteAll> <Create> <TempSensor> <TempValue> 0 </TempValue> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> </TempSensor> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <SoilSensorModel> <SoilSensorID ne=""/> </SoilSensorModel> </DeleteAll> <Create> <SoilSensorModel> <SoilMoisture> 0 </SoilMoisture> <GridID> livegrid </GridID> </SoilSensorModel> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <HumiditySensor> <sensorId ne=""/> </HumiditySensor> </DeleteAll> <Create> <HumiditySensor> <HumidityValue> 0 </HumidityValue> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> </HumiditySensor> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <AmbientLightSensorModel> <AmbientLightID ne=""/> </AmbientLightSensorModel> </DeleteAll> <Create> <AmbientLightSensorModel> <AmbientLight> 0 </AmbientLight> <GridID> livegrid </GridID> </AmbientLightSensorModel> </Create> <DeleteAll> <PhilipLightManagerModel> <ManagerId ne=""/> </PhilipLightManagerModel> </DeleteAll> <Create> <PhilipLightManagerModel> <LoadLights> True </LoadLights> </PhilipLightManagerModel> </Create> <DeleteAll> <IrrigationMotor> <DeviceInterfaceIndex eq="0"/> </IrrigationMotor> </DeleteAll> <Save format="version,current"> <IrrigationMotor> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <ServoProtocolURL> phid:// </ServoProtocolURL> <PhidgetDeviceType> PhidgetAdvancedServo </PhidgetDeviceType> <DeviceInterfaceIndex> 0 </DeviceInterfaceIndex> <ServoAngle> 90 </ServoAngle> </IrrigationMotor> </Save> <Find format="All"> <LightModel> <LightNumber ne=""/> </LightModel> </Find> <SetResponseData> <Key> Message.Value.Find.Result.LightModel.GridID.Value </Key> <Value> livegrid </Value> </SetResponseData> <Save> <From> Result </From> <Include> $Response.Message.Value.Find </Include> </Save> </Query>
MicroController (Pi) Init
- We only need to initialize USB Camera and Data Model
Pi - Init Queries Expand source
<Query> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Greenhouse> <GreenhouseID ne = ""/> </Greenhouse> </DeleteAll> <Create> <Greenhouse> <GreenhouseID> livegreenhouse </GreenhouseID> <GreenhouseName> Intel-GreenHouse </GreenhouseName> <BoundingBox> <Vertex1> 0 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 0 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 110 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 40 </Vertex4> </BoundingBox> <LaneCount> 3 </LaneCount> <LaneWidth> 110 </LaneWidth> <ZoneLength> 10 </ZoneLength> <ZoneInLane> 5 </ZoneInLane> <ZoneCount> 15 </ZoneCount> <GHLength> 110 </GHLength> <GHWidth> 40 </GHWidth> <ExternalEnv> <Temperature> 26 </Temperature> <Humidity> 53 </Humidity> <Light> 1 </Light> <SoilMoisture> 20 </SoilMoisture> <Wind> 19.5 </Wind> </ExternalEnv> <InternalEnv> <Temperature> 20 </Temperature> <Humidity> 53 </Humidity> <Light> 1 </Light> <SoilMoisture> 1 </SoilMoisture> </InternalEnv> <GHLanes> </GHLanes> <SunnyDay> True </SunnyDay> <Location> <latitude> 37.3718999 </latitude> <longitude> -122.0022377 </longitude> </Location> </Greenhouse> </Create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Lane> <LaneID ne = ""/> </Lane> </DeleteAll> <create> <Lane> <LaneID> livelane </LaneID> <GreenhouseID> livegreenhouse </GreenhouseID> <LaneName> lane-1 </LaneName> <LaneLength> 5 </LaneLength> <LaneWidth> 1 </LaneWidth> <ZoneInLane> 4 </ZoneInLane> <BorderLane> 1 </BorderLane> <BoundingBox> <Vertex1> 5 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 28 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 105 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 38 </Vertex4> </BoundingBox> </Lane> </create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Zone> <ZoneID ne = ""/> </Zone> </DeleteAll> <create> <Zone> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <ZoneName> Intel-Zone </ZoneName> <LaneID> livelane </LaneID> <ZoneLength> 1 </ZoneLength> <ZoneWidth> 1 </ZoneWidth> <ZoneLocation> <Vertex1> 1 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 1 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 1 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 1 </Vertex4> </ZoneLocation> <EndZone> endzone </EndZone> <GridOnLength> 1 </GridOnLength> <GridOnWidth> 1 </GridOnWidth> <GridCount> 1 </GridCount> <GridLength> 1 </GridLength> <GridWidth> 1 </GridWidth> <ZoneTemperature> 26 </ZoneTemperature> <ZoneHumidity> 53 </ZoneHumidity> <ZoneAvgSM> 20 </ZoneAvgSM> <ZoneAvgLight> 2 </ZoneAvgLight> <CropType> Apple </CropType> <SeedingDate> 11-04-2016 </SeedingDate> <LastFertilisationDate> 14-04-2016 </LastFertilisationDate> <HarvestingSeason> April </HarvestingSeason> <NoOfPlants> 5 </NoOfPlants> <VPD> 0 </VPD> <Location> <latitude> 1.11 </latitude> <longitude> 1.12 </longitude> </Location> <Live> yes </Live> </Zone> </create> <DeleteAll format="version,current"> <Grid> <GridID ne=""/> </Grid> </DeleteAll> <create> <Grid> <GridName> Intel-Grid </GridName> <GridID> livegrid </GridID> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <GridLength> 1 </GridLength> <GridWidth> 1 </GridWidth> <GridNSPosition> N </GridNSPosition> <GridWEPosition> E </GridWEPosition> <GridLocation> <Vertex1> 1 </Vertex1> <Vertex2> 1 </Vertex2> <Vertex3> 1 </Vertex3> <Vertex4> 1 </Vertex4> </GridLocation> <SoilMoisture> 53 </SoilMoisture> <AmbientLight> 0 </AmbientLight> </Grid> </create> <DeleteAll> <Camera> <CameraID ne=""/> </Camera> </DeleteAll> <Save> <Camera> <ZoneID> livezone </ZoneID> <Image> $Null() </Image> <USBCameraParameters> <Size> <Height> 0 </Height> <Width> 0 </Width> </Size> <Configuration> <Channel> 0 </Channel> <Standard> 0 </Standard> <Brightness> 0 </Brightness> <Contrast> 0 </Contrast> <Gamma> 286 </Gamma> <Saturation> 65 </Saturation> <Sharpness> 6 </Sharpness> <Hue> 0 </Hue> <Gain> 0 </Gain> <Quality> </Quality> </Configuration> <SaveToDisk> true </SaveToDisk> <ImageFormat> jpeg </ImageFormat> <ImageName> ucam_testpic.jpeg </ImageName> </USBCameraParameters> </Camera> </Save> </Query>
Cluster Definition
Same Network definition in all the nodes participating in the cluster.
Create Network FacetInstance Expand source<!-- Define Cluster / Network --> <NewFacetInstance fid="cluster" name="cluster" type="SffNetworkFacet"> <OnActivate> <Process> <Network> <Group name="GHCloudGroup" /> <TqlEngine name="Cloud" url="ws://" group="GHCloudGroup" documentation="GH Cloud Summary Holder" /> <Group name="GHLiveGroup" /> <TqlEngine name="GHLive" url="ws://" group="GHEdgeGroup" replicateTo="GHCloudGroup" documentation="Live Holder" /> </Network> </Process> </OnActivate> <OnOpen ModifyPipeline="WsServerExtensionArgs" /> </NewFacetInstance>
Attach the network facet to TQL Facet Type
Attach Network Facet to TQL Facet Expand source<!-- Attach Network Facet to TQL Facet --> <NewFacetInstance fid="[:RuntimeParams.FacetIDName:]" Name="TQL" Type="SffTqlFacet"> <OnActivate> <Include>[:GetProjectModelsMacro:]</Include> <Include>[:InstantiateModelMacro:]</Include> <NewFacetInstance name="tqlwf" type="SffWdlFacet" /> <TopicFacet>?TQLGenericTopic</TopicFacet> <NetworkFacet>?cluster</NetworkFacet> .... </NewFacetInstance>
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