Set up a TQL Studio account

Set up a TQL Studio account

On a web browser (Chrome, Firebox, Safari) and go to http://www.atomiton.com/ Click on the "Sign Up" link.

About the TQLOne Program

Currently only TQLOne Program participants have full access to TQL (including Atomiton Stack download). The "Sign Up" link will take you to the TQLOne Program page. You can find out more from here.

To get a guest account, follow the TQLOne Program page down to the bottom and click "GET TQL GUEST ACCOUNT" to sign up.

Enter your name, email address and password to sign up. You will receive an email from "Atomiton Notifications" with an activation link. Activate your account by clicking on the link, or copy and paste the URL into your browser. Remember to check your spam folder if you don't see the email. You will be asked to accept the SaaS terms the first time you log in.

Now you can import and try a sample project on the sandbox Atomiton provides.

Once you are in the TQLStudio, you will also be able to Download and install Atomiton Stack in your own environment.

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