Getting Started - Message for Class3

Our first introduction session of TQL101 is scheduled at 3:00 PM UTC on Tuesday, May 10 (or 8:00 AM PDT on Tuesday, May 10th). It is 90 minutes in duration. Please mark your calendar. You will receive an invitation with an online meeting link later this week.


I apologize in advance if this time is inconvenient for you. In the last 10 days since we opened the enrollment we received applications from 11 different countries across 10 time zones. This is the most reasonable time we could find. If you find it challenging to make any of the sessions, you will have the option to access the recordings afterwards.


This message provides you information on several other important things you should take care of before the class:

1.     Hardware procurement

2.     Connect

3.     Support

4.     Test Webex

5.     Review some information


1. Hardware procurement:


The series of IoT tutorials we provide use sensors, actuators, Raspberry Pi and Arduino. You will need to obtain a minimum set of the hardware to be able to follow the class projects.


There are two options to get them. A. Order by yourselfB. Buy the pre-packaged IoT kit from us


Option A. The minimum list of hardware and their suggested vendors are on the pages below. Keep in mind that some items may take time to ship so you should order ASAP.


Minimal Hardware List (US) Arduino based 


Minimal Hardware List (India) Arduino based 


Option B. We have a limited number of (20 kits) pre-packaged for those who want them. The benefit of purchasing the kit from us is less hassle, because it has:

·       All the hardware in the above

·       TQLEngine (software) pre-installed on Raspberry Pi

·       Required sketch (software) pre-installed on Arduino

·       A sample project pre-loaded on Raspberry Pi

·       Devices plugged in

We do this to get you started as quickly as possible on the learning.


Due to shipping and handling etc., this option will cost you slight more than Option A. Each kit costs $199 with taxes included. (We do not make money on selling the kit!)


If you are in the US, you will receive it in 1-2 weeks, if outside US, in 2-3 weeks after ordering.


To make an order with us, send an email to: with the title “Requesting IoT Kit for TQL101”.

In the email please specify:

·       Your name

·       Your email

·       Your shipping address

·       Your contact phone number


Once we receive your request, we will send you a Paypal invoice for payment and ship the kit. We respond on a first come, first serve basis.


I advise you to compare your options based on timing and cost and make a decision soon.


2. Connect


Connecting with other IoT developers is a valuable part of this program. You will receive a LinkedIn group invitation for TQL101 Class3. Note that this is a private, invite only group.

This group will serve as the platform for you to form teams for your course projects.



I’d encourage you to form teams utilizing the LinkedIn group, and here are some benefits:

  • Teaming up with someone in your local area is a good option to share the hardware costs by using the same set.
  • The IoT projects will involve a wide range of skill sets. If you are front-end, team up with others coming from a backend background, and vice versa if you are backend. It will help you move faster on required course projects.
  • You will make friends and have more fun!

3. Support


Yes, we will provide support to you during the course of this program. Join Slack ( – this is our support and communication platform. You will receive an invitation to join. The #support and #quick-question channels will be very useful going forward.


If you have any questions between now and next week, feel free to ask me (@jren) on Slack.


4. Test Webex


The intro session as well as the classes will be provided online via Webex. If you have not used Webex before on your computer, make sure you use this link to test it out before the day of the session:

Test a Webex meeting 


In case you miss any class in the future, we publish class recordings. However they usually come with a lag time.


5. Review some information


Get familiar with the TQLOne Program 


An overview on TQL