Common CRUD operations on Models

Models can be created, read, update and deleted using TQL CRUD Queries.


Creates one or more instances of a model or models. If instance already exists (with same sid or unique attribute), it fails with the error.


Updates the existing instance with the new values provided for the attributes. Compares the instance against provided sid or unique attribute. If instance is not found, automatically creates a new instance.


Unlike to save, if instance is not found, returns the error. Otherwise updates all the new values of the attributes provided as part of the update query.


Deletes the instances as per the selection. Delete deletes only attributes as per the target model, it is using.


Unlike Delete, DeleteAll deletes all the attributes related with the selected instance/s.


Subscription query allows client to receive update events on websocket, on which the request is made.

Show Query

Allows client to discover the model definition for a given model name or all models.