Persistent HTTP (phttp://)
Persistent HTTP (phttp://)
A-Stack supports phttp protocol Handler, that can be used for persistent HTTP connections
PHTTP Protocol Handler Flow:
PHTTP Protocol Handler Installation:
PHTTP Setup Instructions
- Unzip the downloaded zip file
- Copy the sff.bundle.ext.phttp-{version}.jar from this location to the sff.auto.launch folder which is present in your A-Stack Prime folder.
PHTTP Protocol Parameters:
The table below lists all the parameters of Phttp protocol handler and their description
Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
URL | The http/https URL of persistent http connection. |
Payload | The Payload of the Post Invoke. |
Usage of Phttp protocol handler:
Phttp Get: the facet given below in for A-Stack Version 1.0.5 or greater.
PHTTP GET Facet<ThingFacet Name="PhttpConnectionFacet"> <String Format="$ObjectFormat(xml)" KnownBy="PhttpConnectionAction" Name="ReceivedData" update="auto"/> <String Name="URL"/> <Action Name="PhttpConnectionAction"> <Workflow Limit="1" Live="1" Timeout="-1"> <Task name="Main" while="true"> <Event as="ActionArgument" name="Argument"/> <Invoke get="phttp://?URL=[%:Event.Argument.URL.Value:%]&" name="InvokePhttpSubscription" scope="process" waitFor="Argument"> <Headers/> <Cookie/> </Invoke> <Output As="ActionResult" Name="Result"> <Value> <ReceivedData> <Include> Invoke.InvokePhttpSubscription.Message.Value </Include> </ReceivedData> </Value> </Output> </Task> </Workflow> </Action> </ThingFacet>
PHTTP GET Query<Query> <DeleteAll> <PhttpGetModel> <phttpID ne=""/> </PhttpGetModel> </DeleteAll> <Create> <PhttpGetModel> <ReceivedData>$Null()</ReceivedData> <URL>http://localhost:9090/stream</URL> </PhttpGetModel> </Create> </Query>
PHTTP POST Facet<ThingFacet Name="PhttpPostConnectionFacet"> <String Format="$ObjectFormat(xml)" KnownBy="PhttpPostConnectionAction" Name="ReceivedData" update="auto"/> <String Name="URL"/> <String Name="Payload"/> <Action Name="PhttpPostConnectionAction"> <Workflow Limit="1" Live="1" Timeout="-1"> <Task name="Main" while="true"> <Event as="ActionArgument" name="Argument"/> <Invoke name="InvokePhttpSubscription" post="phttp://?URL=[%:Event.Argument.URL.Value:%]&" scope="process" waitFor="Argument"> <Headers/> <Cookie/> <Message> <Value>[%:Event.Argument.Payload.Value:%]</Value> </Message> </Invoke> <Output As="ActionResult" Name="Result"> <Value> <ReceivedData> <Include> Invoke.InvokePhttpSubscription.Message.Value </Include> </ReceivedData> </Value> </Output> </Task> </Workflow> </Action> </ThingFacet>
PHTTP POST Query<Query> <DeleteAll> <PhttpPostModel> <phttpID ne=""/> </PhttpPostModel> </DeleteAll> <Create> <PhttpPostModel> <ReceivedData>$Null()</ReceivedData> <Payload>Hello World</Payload> <URL>http://localhost:7070/stream</URL> </PhttpPostModel> </Create> </Query>
PHTTP Invoke Output Format: The output message of phttp Invoke is an xml structure as shown below
PHTTP Invoke Output Format
<ReceivedData Value="" Version="1"> <Known> <Header> <Content-Type>text/event-stream</Content-Type> <Cache-Control>no-cache</Cache-Control> <Connection>keep-alive</Connection> <Date>Fri, 02 Dec 2016 18:43:09 GMT</Date> <Transfer-Encoding>chunked</Transfer-Encoding> </Header> <Message> <Value> <Data>data: Fri Dec 02 2016 10:43:20 GMT-0800 (PST)</Data> </Value> </Message> <Status>200 OK</Status> <Version>HTTP/1.1</Version> </Known> </ReceivedData>
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