Release 1.1.8





  • 1.1.8 is a bug fix release of following A-Stack Components
    • Monitoring Dashboard Application
    • Configurator Daemon
    • TQLConsole


Steps to Upgrade from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8

Below are the steps to upgrade 1.1.7 to 1.1.8. Various components that can be upgraded are -

ComponentFromToScript Location
Configurator Daemon1. Daemon Upgrade Script
Monitoring Dashboard1. Dashboard Upgrade Script


  1. Go to the installed folder of “A-StackConfigurator” OR “A-StackMonitoringDashboard” on VM where these components are installed
  2. Installed path can be checked by executing '$echo $TQL_HOME' command.
  3. It will return running path of TQL engine as below: /home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorUI/  Note: Path may be different
  4. Take a backup of A-StackConfigurator OR A-StackMonitoringDashboard's installed folder by executing following commands: 
    1. $ mkdir ConfiguratorUI_bkp
    2. $cp –avr ConfiguratorUI_bkp/ ConfiguratorUI/

Upgrade Steps

  1. Go to installed path of A-StackConfigurator OR A-StackMonitoringDashboard by following command: $ cd /home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorUI/ 
  2. Copy Script file into installed directory from location as specified in above table
    1. If A-StackMonitoringDashboard is used then, use ‘
    2. If A-StackConfigurator is used then, use ‘’
  3. Execute the following command:
    1. If A-StackMonitoringDashboard: $ sh
    2. If A-StackConfigurator: $ sh

Verify Upgrade Successful

On successful execution, success message will be displayed on the output console and Upgrade process is complete.

“Upgrade Completed”
“Upgrade script ended.”

How to Rollback

  1. If any error occurs then following message will be displayed:
    1. “Download failed. Please verify the Path”
    2. “Upgrade script ended..”
  2. Then delete the existing folder (/home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorUI/)
  3. And change the name of the directory '(/home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorUI_bkp' to '(/home/ec2-user /ConfiguratorUI'.
  4. Follow the same steps again from Upgrade Steps from 1.1.7 build to 1.1.8.

Note:  Folder name may vary as per installed folder.

Detailed List 

A-Stack 1.1.8 Jira List

TQLPROD-1733Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugPurge alert not picking up date correctly.
TQLPROD-1735TQLConsole Model EditorBugWhile deleting the file from source editor, Api is giving success response but file still stays in file system
TQLPROD-1737TQLConsole Model EditorBugCreating new file and adding some content in it is not adding the start icon(*) in the tab
TQLPROD-1739Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugAlert dropdown is not showing Cluster Id in each of the alert details
TQLPROD-1740Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugSystem allows Alarms with duplicates names
TQLPROD-1742Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugPull large number of alerts in batches

Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator Daemon

BugOn Alert Page for all the alerts , unchecking the clusters from the Cluster drop down is not updating the list and displays the old list
TQLPROD-1753TQLConsole Model EditorBugCtrl+O in Source editor some times breaking the UI and complete popup is not visible on the screen
TQLPROD-1754TQLConsole Model EditorBugLong press of Ctrl+S, Ctrl-O is making to many API calls and making the application non-reactive
TQLPROD-1755TQLConsole Model EditorBugSource editor is not opening the proper file if files with same name exist in differnet folder
TQLPROD-1756Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonEnhancementGive user contol over RecoveryAction.Active field
TQLPROD-1663TQLConsole Model EditorBugCreate file macro for already existing file with case-insensitive is giving success response
TQLPROD-1720Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugAlerts count number should decrease if we read the alert through show more link
TQLPROD-1732Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugOn Monitoring Dashboard - alerts counts shows more number than the actual on first time when we load the alarm conditions
TQLPROD-1736Monitoring Dashboard, Configurator DaemonBugIsRecovery does not have default value if missed