TQL 101C Class Structure

TQL 101C runs in classes. Each class period is called a semester. 

Joining TQL 101C has 3 phases: 1. Preparation; 2. Classes; 3. Presentation


This is the period when we help you get ready for the class. You will receive and set up the TQL IoT Kit and become familiar with the necessary class resources.


Weekly tutorials will be accompanied by homework assignments.


The presentation to the class marks completion of the course. Each participant (or team) is required to present a TQL IoT application design.


Class expectations:

1. Doing: "There is no try, there is only do." – John Green

2. Asking: "The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge." – Thomas Berger

3. Sharing:  "Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Alternative Paths Policies

The Program allows the following adjusted learning paths for admitted members in order to accommodate timing and schedule challenges. However, once enrolled, you will have 6 months to finish the Program. If the 6-months time has expired, you will need to be pre-qualified again for re-starting the Program.



Since TQL101C and TQL101 share a similar curriculum, you can directly jump to a TQL 101 class if:

  1. You decide after starting TQL 101C that you want to create an IoT project as a part of this course
  2. You meet the pre-qualification criteria and there are open seats left in the TQL 101 class

* No transfer to a TQL 101 class is accepted after the class sessions are over.



You can transfer from one TQL 101C class to a later semester. Usually due to unforeseen work or personal schedule changes, a class member may transfer to a future class to pick up the learning. Transfers need to stay within the 6-months time window.


Notes for transfers:

  • The 6-months time window applies
  • You will have continued 24/7 technical support during the 6-months time
  • You will have continued access to all the learning materials