We can attach wide range of Analog and I2C sensors to TQL SensorHub. The following are the steps to add additional Analog sensors to the TQL Sensor Hub
- Most of the analog sensors have three pins the Analog pin, Voltage pin and Ground pin. For example consider the ADC temperature sensor shown in the Image below.
- To add the above sensor to TQL Sensor Hub Connect the Vcc wire(Red wire) to Vcc terminal, Ground wire(Black wire) to Ground terminal and Analog wire (Green wire) to A2 terminal of the TQL Sensor Hub, this terminals are illustrated in the image below.
- Using a browser, Google Chrome is recommended, open the webpage using the URL
(Note: the above step assumes you are connected to SmartFarmGateway Wi-Fi network) - Select the appropriate Sensor Hub, to which you have connected the temperature sensor in the above step. Use the Mac address to identify the sensor Hub
- In the Sensors table create one more entry select ID as 2, Sensor type as Temperature Sensor, enter some min, max and radius values and click on the Add button button beside it.
(Note: Since we connected to terminal A2 we use ID as 2, If we connected to terminal A3 or A4 we should use ID as 3 or 4 respectively) - After sometime you can see the temperature sensor value being populated as shown in the image below.
- You can also see this sensor values being populated in the appropriate zone on the cloud.
(Note: Currently the above reading shows a raw value and not a calibrated value for sensors other than soil moisture sensor)
Sensor List
Below are the links to few ADC Sensors that can be used with TQL Sensor Hub
- Temperature sensor- https://www.amazon.com/Saver-KY-013-Analog-Temperature-Arduino/dp/B01KUEYGX2/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1478192353&sr=8-17&keywords=Analog+Temperature+sensor
- Temperature senor https://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-Thermistor-Sensor-Arduino-Raspberry/dp/B014KNVSHG/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_6?ie=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B014KNVSHG&pd_rd_r=F79R5K7DNM6PF80EWY8W&pd_rd_w=ANzaT&pd_rd_wg=FMBOk&psc=1&refRID=F79R5K7DNM6PF80EWY8W
- Humidity sensor- https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9569
- Light sensor -https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8688
we will also be needing Jumper wires, Breakaway headers to connect these sensors, you can find jumper wires at this link https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014SE32EE/ref=pd_sim_147_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=P79ZPG8YCKVTBAXD5RRD and Breakaway headers at this link https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008999TAG/ref=pd_sbs_23_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8F8BF00J3W5ADFNNZYZG