A-Stack Configurator Daemon


Configurator Daemon is responsible for manager Cluster nodes in a given particular host machine. There needs to be one Configurator Daemon node per host machine.

Download and Install


  • User successfully login into the required VM
  • User is a member of sudo group
  • The target VM is configured with JDK and JAVA_HOME is point to the JDK installation directory (/opt/jdk1.8.0_131/).
  • The target VM should have Openssl package installed. Run which openssl to cross check it.
  • User has downloaded the required version of A-StackConfigurator, A-StackMonitoringDashboard zip from Atomiton.com
  • User can choice extract path of their own.
  • User know the basic understanding of Linux environment and have some basic experience of vim or emacs.
  • User know the public hostname of target VM.
  • User should have all information about target cluster. like IP details, Heap size allocation per node, deployed extensions details etc.
  • User should have all the certificates (server.crt) files of all the Configurators/Monitoring dashboard and all cluster node are properly configured.

Step 1 Check the Environment Readiness

 If  echo $TQL_HOME  returns empty string then proceed to step number 2

Else run $ tql -engine -stop

Set JAVA_HOME & TQL_HOME. Look for TQL_HOME variable, it will be defined in ~/.bashrc or in ~/.bash_profile.

and add following line just below the above mentioned lines

export TQL_HOME=/home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorDeamon

export JAVA_HOME=/home/ec2-user/jdk1.8.0_131


  1. Create Directory /home/ec2-user/.

    Extract Download Configurator Daemon Zip into /home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorDeamon.

    Place you model bundle file, for example, HelloTQL.zip file in /home/ec2-user/.
  2. Configure ConfiguratorDeamon to listen on HTTPS

    Follows the step by step process defined in /home/ec2-user/ConfiguratorDeamon/StepsToCreateSSLCertificate.txt file.

$  keytool -importcert -alias <alias_Name> -keystore "/opt/jdk1.8.0_131/jre/lib/security/cacerts" -storepass changeit -file server.crt

  1. Start tql engine by following command
    $tql -engine -start

Check ConfiguratorDeamon is started successfully or not by hitting following URL in browser.


Response message will be seen like this “<FacetAgent Status="200" Reason="OK"/>”