Data Migration

The purpose of Data Migration CLI command is to perform model data (TQL) from given source storage to destination storage.

Usage: This section explains the usage of TQL CLI Data Migration Options

Please refer to Environment Variable section before starting to use the command tool.

Data Migration Design


Data Migration can occur at two levels - Storage-level or Raw Copy or Model-level migration.

  • Storage-level or Raw Copy - Data Migration can occur at two levels - Storage-level or Raw Copy. The data migration at storage level involves copying the raw copy of the database table.
  • Model-level Migration - At Model-level the data is read from source system and then created into destination system.

Storage-level Migration

TQL CLI Storage-level migration
$ bin/tql -datamigrate -level storage

Model-level Migration

TQL CLI Model-Level Migration
$ bin/tql -datamigrate -level model

Model-level Migration is facilitated using Model Mapping XML file. 

Models (to-be-copied) Description XML File

Model Mapping File

Model Attributes Mapping XML File Parmeters

Parent ElementSub Element NameDescrption
ModelQNameFull qualified Name of the Model to the copied to desitnation.

FindCondiitonFind Condition Statement to pull data from the source system

SourceFacetIdSource system EndPoint Facet ID to Read the Model

DestinationFacetIdDestination system EndPoint Facet ID to Copy the Model to

MappingFileDescribe the attrbiutes mapping from source to destination

PathToElementXpath to reach to the Element within the model from the result

PageSizeBatch size read data from source

DeleteInstancesBeforeCreateBoolean flag to designate if destination data need to be deleted before creating / loading a new one


Sample Model Description XML File
