Syntax of a FIND query

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.



         This query finds all pairs of illuminated street lights next to vacant (or about to become vacant) parking

          meters operated by the same business outside of 1000 feet radius of a Chevron gas station if any.


    <Find using="Sencity,City,Business" format="version,current">

        <Light operatedBy="some.Business" not.state="OutOfOrder" as="MyLight">

            <Brightness gt="80%"/>


                <Lattitude between="1.234,0.9876"/>



        <Parking.Meter operatedBy="some.Business" as="MyParkingMeter">


                <eq target="state">vacant</eq>


                    <eq target="state" value="occupied"/>

                    <le target="remainingTime" value="PT10M"/>




        <Entity Qtype="Business" as="some.Business"/>


            <Business name="Chevron" as="Chevron"/>

            <GasStation operatedBy="Chevron">

                <le target="MyLight.distance.Chevron" value="1000ft"/>







Simple Find Query


       <Find format="version, current">


                     <sensorID ne=""/>




Returns the result set with all SensorModel instances, where sensorID is not empty.

     <Find Status="success", Format="version, current">










to remove the Result node -



    <Find as="$none" format="version,current">


            <ZoneID ne=""/>




which will return the collection of all SensorModel instances under <Find> node

Simple Join Query


    <Find format="version,current">

        <Zone as="var.Zone">

            <ZoneID ne=""/>


        <ZoneInfo >

            <ZoneName  eq="var.Zone.Name" />




Returns the collection of Result nodes with the pairs of Zone and ZoneInfo

To concatenate the two models, one can send the following query


    <Find as="$none:Zone:$none" format="version,current">

        <Zone as="var.Zone">

            <ZoneID ne=""/>


        <ZoneInfo >

            <ZoneName  eq="var.Zone.Name" />






and this will return all the Zones (with ZoneInfo).

Constraints that can be used with FIND

other structure can be used



  • Use of Standard Prefixes : "var", "lit", "fun"
  • Function Queries
  • Only & Distinct
Query DescriptionQuery

From any gateway, I should be able to query all the latest temperature sensor (soil sensor) readings


From any gateway, query any temperature sensor reading that has a temperature above ___ °C

and give the sensor ID and ZoneID 


From any gateway, query any soil sensor reading that had soil tension above ____ and

give the sensor ID and GridID and ZoneID


From any gateway, query any ZoneImpl that has temperature below ____ °C and also Humidity below ____ %


From the cloud, query any Zone that has ZoneTemperature below ____ °C and also ZoneHumidity below ____ %


From any gateway, update the IrrigationMotor status to on


From any gateway, identify one or more specific grid(s), and update the light status to be on. Then change intensity %

From any gateway, find all grids whose AmbientLight is below 800 lux and turn lights on (over ride app facet/model logic) 
From the cloud, find all zones whose temperature is below ____ °C and also Humidity is above ____ %, and turn the heater on