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In TQL, each instance of a workflow (or process) can only be executed once. However, in many circumstances, you may want a workflow to be executed multiple times, for instance, the process to update an attribute value may needs to be repeated every time a sensor event comes in. Such "repeatable workflows" are represented as process streams where each process instance is a self-contained independent copy of the original workflow [definition] running with specific arguments.

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Repeatable versus non-repeatable workflows


In such workflows, it is a good practice to have a Timeout modifier on the workflow.



titleunused notes



Workflow instances run on top of pipelines, that is, they use pipelines to be instantiate, trigger or communicate. We call the pipeline that instantiate a workflow instance the originating pipeline. Based on the relationship between the workflow and its originating pipeline, workflow can be categorized into non-repeatable workflows and repeatable workflows.



Code Block
titleExample for Internally continued workflows
<ThingFacet Name="PhidgetRFID">
  <Sid Name="RFIDId" />
  <String Name="ReadTag" Update="auto" KnownBy="PhidgetReadRFIDTagAc" />
  <String Name="WriteTag" KnownBy="PhidgetWriteRFIDTagAc" />
  <String Name="RFIDURL" Default="phid://" />
  <String Name="InterfaceType" />
  <String Name="InterfaceIndex" />
  <Unique Name="RFIDIndex" Value="InterfaceIndex" />
  <DateTime Name="timestamp" Format="$SimpleDateFormat(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z')" />
  <Action Name="PhidgetReadRFIDTagAc" Documentation="Read the Tag Automatically in the vicinity">
    <Workflow Limit="1" Live="1" Timeout="-1">
      <Task name="Main" while="true">
        <Event name="Argument" as="ActionArgument" />
        <Invoke name="ReadValue" waitFor="Argument"
                get="[%:Event.Argument.RFIDURL.Value:%]" SerialNumber="[%:Event.Argument.InterfaceIndex.Value:%]"
                DeviceType="[%:Event.Argument.InterfaceType.Value:%]" />
        <Output name="Result" as="ActionResult">
  <Action Name="PhidgetWriteRFIDTagAc" Documentation="Write the Tag Value to RFID in the vicinity">
    <Workflow Limit="1" Live="1" Timeout="-1">
      <Task name="Main" while="true">
        <Output name="ActionArgument" as="ActionArgument" />
        <Invoke name="WriteValue" waitFor="ActionArgument"
                skip-if="[%:[:AA:].WriteTag/no-value(Value):%]" post="[%:[:AA:].RFIDURL.Value:%]"
                SensorType="WriteTag" DeviceType="[%:[:AA:].InterfaceType.Value:%]">
          <Message Type="text" Value="[%:[:AA:].WriteTag.Value:%]" />
        <Output name="Result" as="ActionResult">