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Table of Contents



Greenhouse Monitoring System will be taken as an example to illustrate creating User Interface applications using TQL Queries.



Related docs
Application architecture
TQL queries and RESTful service
Query end points


Related docs
IoT developer rols
Development lifecycle


TQL queries and subscriptions consists of dynamic (user defined payloads) payload sent over HTTP or WEBSOCKET transports. Consuming TQL Queries in UIs (HTML/JS, Android, IOS and others) in this regards are similar to consuming any RESTful services.

In the tutorial we answer some of the following questions:

  1. What is the role TQL queries play in an UI app
  2. What are the 3-5 technical things I should know about using TQL Queries in my UI app?
  3. Where and how in my UI app should I use TQL? What is the relationship of TQL queries with my UI app components.
  4. How TQL queries fit into the development lifecycle of my UI app development?
  5. Can I write more interesting apps with TQL queries (which I cannot do using conventional APIs or using conventional SQL queries?)
  6. What are the design considerations of using TQL queries to make my app more <dynamic, scalable, extensible, future proof,..>
  7. What are the common errors/exceptions and how should I diagnose?

Let's address some of these questions when building UI Apps using TQL Queries using a template HTML/JS App. You can download this app here

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Role of TQL Queries in UI App

TQL Queries Vs REST Services

REST is an architecture style for designing networked applications and in virtually all cases, the HTTP protocol is used. In many ways, the World Wide Web itself, based on HTTP, can be viewed as a REST-based architecture. By this definition of REST coupled with the fact that TQL Queries are executed over an HTTP endpoint that is automatically generated when models are deployed to TQLEngine, make TQL Queries Restful in nature.

In the table below we note fixed REST pattern that is applicable to TQL Queries.

TQL QueriesRestful Services

XML Oriented (Request & Response)

(Note that TQLEngine supports both JSON & XML;

the recommended guideline is XML for TQL Queries


Restful Services are JSON oriented

TQL Queries are sent as payload, therefore the HTTP Method to be used

always POST.

Method can be: GET/PUT/POST/DELETE


UI Technologies

Most commonly used UI technologies are:

    • HTML,CSS and JavaScript
    • JavaScript Frameworks (Angular JS, Backbone JS, etc.)
    • HTML5, CSS/CSS3 and JavaScript/jQuery

Design Patterns

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Model-View-Controller (MVC) is popular design pattern to develop HTML/JS app that consumes TQL Queries.

Component NameTechnologyIn this tutorial
ViewHTML, CSSindex.html and style.css

JS - Services & Factories independent of underlying framework (OR) Angular JS

provided Model

Angular Model Service



JS - Can be independent of underlying framework (Write your own using JS) or

Angular provided model

Angular Controller and bind with HTML using Angular directive ng-controller.


ConfigurationStatic Configuration Fileconfig/url_config.js

Implementation Steps

All the implementation steps can be tried out using any of the HTML/JS IDE of your choice. 

Let's start out by creating a folder in y

Creating View

a) Main View - Single Page HTML file

Code Block
titleView - Greenhouse Monitoring App
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="GreenhouseUIApp">
<title>Smart Greenhouse</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="config/url_config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="controllers/mainController.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="services/queryService.js"></script>
  <div ng-controller="mainController">
    <div class="row text-center header">
      <h2>SMART GREENHOUSE</h2>
    <div class="row text-center greenhouseDetails">
        Zones: {{selectedGreenhouse.ZoneCount}}&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;
        Location: ({{selectedGreenhouse.Location.latitude}},
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-2"></div>
      <div class="col-md-3 statusBlock">
          <h3>Internal Status</h3>
        <div>Temperature: {{selectedGreenhouse.InternalEnv.Temperature}}
        <div>Humidity: {{selectedGreenhouse.InternalEnv.Humidity}} %</div>
        <div>Amb. Light: {{selectedGreenhouse.InternalEnv.Light}} lux</div>
        <div>Soil Moisture:
          {{selectedGreenhouse.InternalEnv.SoilMoisture}} cb</div>
      <div class="col-md-1"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4 statusBlock">
          <h3>External Conditions</h3>
        <div>Temperature: {{selectedGreenhouse.ExternalEnv.Temperature}}
        <div>Humidity: {{selectedGreenhouse.ExternalEnv.Humidity}} %</div>
        <div>Sunlight: {{selectedGreenhouse.ExternalEnv.Light}} lux</div>
        <div>Soil Moisture:
          {{selectedGreenhouse.ExternalEnv.SoilMoisture}} cb</div>
        <div>Wind: {{selectedGreenhouse.ExternalEnv.Wind}} mph</div>
      <div class="col-md-3"></div>

b) Creating Style Sheet

Code Block
titleView - Stylesheet Greenhouse Monitoring App
   background: url(images/greenhouse.jpg);
   background-size: cover;
   padding: 0; margin: 0;
   background: #000; color: #fff; margin-bottom:
   background: #39404a;
   color: #fff;
   background: #39404a;
   color: #fff;
   padding: 30px; margin: 30px 0;      

Creating Model


  • Discover App URL
  • Find Greenhouse
  • Find Lane
  • Find Zone


Code Block
titleModel - Greenhouse Monitoring App
angular.module('GreenhouseUIApp').service('QueryService', function ($http){
		discoverGreenhouseEndpoint : discoverGreenhouseEndpoint,
		getGreenhouses : getGreenhouses,
		getLanesForGreenhouse : getLanesForGreenhouse,
		getZonesForLane : getZonesForLane
	function discoverGreenhouseEndpoint(){
		var findProjectQuery = "<query><find><project><projName eq='Greenhouse'/></project></find></query>";
		return $, findProjectQuery).then(function(response) {
			var x2js = new X2JS();
			var jsonObj = x2js.xml_str2json(;
			var findProjectEndpointsQuery = "<GetProjectEndPoints><ProjectSysId>"+jsonObj.Find.Result.Project.SysId+"</ProjectSysId></GetProjectEndPoints>";
			return $, findProjectEndpointsQuery).then(function(response) {
				var x2js = new X2JS();
				var endpointsJson = x2js.xml_str2json(;
				return endpointsJson;
	function getGreenhouses(endpointURL){
		var query = "<Query><Find><Greenhouse><GreenhouseID ne=''/></Greenhouse></Find></Query>";
		return $, query).then(function(response) {
			var x2js = new X2JS();
			var jsonObj = x2js.xml_str2json(;
			return jsonObj;
	function getLanesForGreenhouse(GreenhouseID){
		var query = "<Query><Find><Lane><GreenhouseID eq="+ GreenhouseID +"/></Lane></Find></Query>";
		return $, query).then(function(response) {
			var x2js = new X2JS();
			var jsonObj = x2js.xml_str2json(;
			return jsonObj;
	function getZonesForLane(LaneID){
		var query = "<Query><Find><Zone><LaneID eq="+LaneID+" /></Zone></Find></Query>";
		return $, query).then(function(response) {
			var x2js = new X2JS();
			var jsonObj = x2js.xml_str2json(;
			return jsonObj;

Identify Queries

Before we start wrapping TQL Queries into a Service model, we need to identify the list of queries to be executed. 


Discovering TQL EndPoints URL:  

Code Block
titleApplication TQL endpoint discovery query
      <projName eq='Greenhouse'/>

When does my role begin?

Here is the typical Modeling flow of control:

  • Right after initial Model is written, the UI App developer can start working closely to identify (or write) queries.
  • Work with Business Analysts to create appropriate UI flows etc

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Things you should be aware of?

As with building any UI app that interacts with backend serivces, you would always need:

    • Endpoint (HTTP or WS) to interact with backend
    • Request and Response Format
    • Ability to try out sample requests before integrating them into UI application

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Design Consideration

  • Never hardcode the TQL Query endpoint urls as they are subject to change.

  • Instead the endpoints must be auto discovered given the project name. 

  • The model developer (owner) will


  • provide you appropriate project name to discover your query endpoints.

  • You can test the queries and make sure they are working via Query Editor (TQLStudio or Local TQLEngine)
  1. Gather App related queries: In this example we will wrap only one single query to get Greenhouse information.

    Code Block
    titleApp Queries - Greenhouse Monitoring App
          <GreenhouseID ne=''/>

Creating Controller

Code Block
titleController - Greenhouse Monitoring App
angular.module('GreenhouseUIApp', [])
.controller('mainController', function($scope, QueryService) {
	$scope.greenhouses = [];
	$scope.httpEndpoint = "";
	$scope.wsEndpoint = "";
	$scope.getGreenhouses = function(){
				$scope.greenhouses = response.Find.Result.Greenhouse;
			} else if(angular.isObject(response.Find.Result.Greenhouse)){
			$scope.selectedGreenhouse = $scope.greenhouses[0];
	$scope.replaceIPWithHostName = function(){
		$scope.wsEndpoint = $scope.wsEndpoint.replace( /:.*?\:/, '://'+greenhouseHostName+':' );
		$scope.httpEndpoint = $scope.httpEndpoint.replace( /:.*?\:/, '://'+greenhouseHostName+':' );
		angular.forEach(data.Find.projectEndpointMap.DataMap, function(obj){
			if(obj.Value.indexOf("ws:") > -1){
				$scope.wsEndpoint = obj.Value;
			} else if(obj.Value.indexOf("http:") > -1 || obj.Value.indexOf("https:") > -1){
				$scope.httpEndpoint = obj.Value;

Deploy & Test

It is recommended to serve your applications (html,css,js) files directly from the running TQLEngine.

Download & Install TQLEngine

Please refer to download section to download and install TQLEngine.

Attach applications to the project

Now you can point your browser to URL and load the UI


  • Notification frequency and WEBSOCKET reconnect logic.
  • Externalize the Queries as much as possible to the App. (Via some config file like: querys.cfg.xml)
  • You can serve your UI app (in case of say, HTML/JS) via TQLEngine itself using TQLEngine's ThingSpace / Attach Application feature

Go build some cool app

One of the key difference between Atomiton's TQL platform vs any other middleware platform is that you have the power to write your own queries against the model that is delivered to you by the Model developers. 

  • Model developers may provide initialization queries.
  • You as an UI App developer can decided if you want to combine multiple Find's into one to optimize the rate of transfer.
  • Use aliasing to change the output of TQL Query result.