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Code Block
titleConfiguring PAX Logging
                log4j.rootLogger=[:logs4jsff.log.level:], R
                # Keep one backup file
                log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] %p %c [%t] %m%n


  1. Ability to configure any OSGi service by its (i.e. persistent ID, see OSGi specs for more details). Only is supported at this time. The way you do it as described in sections above.
  2. ConfigugurationAdmin is the standard OSGi service responsible for configuration of other services. The configuration target is defined by"org.ops4j.pax.logging" attribute. In this case we configure pax/log4j logging. Argument format is the same properties format or XML as described above.
  3. More than one service can be configured.
  4. A-Stack own SffLog can be configured this way as show in code above.
  5. You can control it on per level attribute basis (e.g. sff.log.trace.enabled=true, sff.log.trace.silent=true), per level basis (e.g. sff.log.trace=enabled,silent) or the whole thing altogether (e.g. sff.log=silent).
  6. All the logs posted to sff.log will also appear in log4j, but not vice versa, so sff.log remains our main logging system.
  7. Note that both logging systems are configured independently therefore if you configure log4j with console appender and leave sff.log loud then you’ll get each message posted on your console twice in different formats, one from sff.log and another from log4j
  8. The example log4j configuration above only outputs into a log file and leaves console output to sff.log. Adding log4j console appender (e.g. log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1,FILE) and setting sff.log=silent will use log4j for both console and file logging.

Logging Enable Configuration Matrix

SffLogLog4j ConfiguredResultComments
sff.log=disabled,silentYESNo Logs
  1. If sff.log is marked disabled; No logs are generated. Silent or loud does not matter.
  2. Please note that few message may be printed while the service is getting initialized.
sff.log=enabled,silentYES; sff.log.level="INFO"Only INFO Level log statements as specified in log4j appender

Absolutely no log file at all 

sff.log=enabled,loudYES; sff.log.level="INFO"INFO, ERROR and WARN statements are printed in logNote that sff.log.level is passed into rootLogger value of Log4j configurationAdmin
sff.log=enabled,loudYES; sff.log.level="DEBUG"INFO, ERROR, WARN, DEBUG statements are printed in log



YES; sff.log.level="TRACE"Trace will be enabled; Trace allows you to view Protocol level details for exampleThis is how trace can be enabled.

Broadcast Log Message

A-Stack allows users to provide facet id on which all the log messages can be broadcast.
