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What is a protocol handler in TQL

Protocol Handlers is one of the key extension point of the TQLEngine using  new-pipeline-handler.

In order to make engine extensible we need two new capabilities:

Ability to load extra bundles after engine core start and initial configuration as those extension bundles may come from different places defined by config
Ability to understand what kind of stuff the loaded extension bundle provides to the engine (e.g. new protocol handler, new facet type etc.). In case of new object types it is also necessary to be able to instantiate those objects when needed.
First capability is achieved by introduction of new config parameter which looks, feels and behaves exactly like except it launches extension bundles it points. Just like, the default value for parameter is "" so you can put your extra bundles in folder in the current folder the engine runs in. Just like auto deploy, it can point to a folder or a single bundle and/or contain comma-separated list of files and/or locations.

Moreover, now you can actually mix deployment packages with extension bundles in the same folder. will only launch *.jar files while will try to deploy anything but *.jar. So you can point both auto launch and auto deploy to the same folder which may contain both deployment packages and bundles.
In order to provide better control, each item/location in launch/deploy list can be now prefixed with "file:" or "bundle:" protocol. This will limit access to correspondent file system. Items without prefix will be looked up in bundle first and, if not found, in local file system. To support bundle-only self-contained configurations, sff/ folder is now also defined within base bundle so you can put your extensions next to your sff.main.config.xml before the build. Build will embed your extension bundles within base bundle.

Second capability is provided by virtue of SffObjectFactorySvc interface. As the name suggests, it is intended to be used as an OSGi service (i.e. a singleton instance contributed by each service provider). Each bundle which wants to contribute to the engine must define one or more of these services (it is strongly recommended to use DS annotations for that).
SffObjectFactorySvc interface contains only two methods:
newInstance(ListMap args) is used to instantiate the target object (e.g. new instance of protocol handler for a new pipeline)
getInfo() is used to get factory meta-data. This must return a ListMap which contains information about the objects this factory can instantiate and how they should be used by the engine.
Extension meta-data so far may include the following items (see SffNioFrameworkSvc): (e.g. "SffRxTxCodec") the name under which extension wants to register the object type and by which it will be referred in pipeline configurations etc. -- any other related names (e.g. various pipeline configurations) to register with the engine -- protocol name this pipeline handler handles.
sff.protocol.port -- default protocol port number (for network protocols only)
sff.protocol.type -- e.g. text, binary, etc.
sff.protocol.class -- e.g. network, local etc.
sff.protocol.scope -- how pipelines serving this protocol must be handled/shared by the engine (e.g. global, task, invoke etc.)
sff.protocol.transport -- default protocol transport, i.e. which pipeline factory to use (e.g. TCP, UDP, LTP, etc.). If given, this will be used for both server and client pipelines
sff.server.transport -- which transport to use specifically for server pipeline if different from one given above
sff.client.transport -- same as above, but for the client pipelines
sff.server.pipeline.args -- default server pipeline configuration
sff.client.pipeline.args -- default client pipeline configuration

The last two are used when pipeline is configured based on URL [protocol] rather than by explicit configuration parameter[s] given in Create/ModifyPipeline FS instruction
I've created two examples: RxTx and Phidget bundles. You can use git diff tool to see what had to be changed in order to extract Phidget bundle. It is rather straightforward:
Factory class is defined and annotated as SffObjectFactory service
Protocol name/references and correspondent packages are removed from the engine registration tables as well as NettyContext.newInstance() factory method. From now on this method will delegate to provided extension factory
New ext.*.bnd file is created and all the packages and other necessary artifacts are moved to the new bundle (don't forget to remove them from netty bundle).
Note that native library packages which used to be defined in separate bundles (e.g. phidget-2.1.8.jar) are now declared as private (or export) packages of the correspondent extension bundle. This cause all the necessary classes to be copied into the extension bundle itself and render library bundle unnecessary. So please don't forget to remove library bundle from the folder so the classes will not be loaded twice. Alternatively it is possible to include the whole library jar as a bundle resource and add it into bundle classpath. Depending on the library license we may use one way or another.
A nice side-effect of the new integration system is that supporting library jars are no longer required to be converted into OSGi bundles as they are never loaded by themselves any more. This makes working with non-OSGi jars easier as all you need to do is add it to build path in bnd.bnd and bndtools will do the rest.
Project structure. For pure code management convenience, it is not recommended just yet to create whole new projects for your extension bundles. While certainly possible and eventually very likely, having extension bundles as separate projects will require extra maintenance and release efforts without much gain so far (e.g. we'd have to "officially" release API bundles which can be referenced by those other [extension] projects, mange their versions properly, propagate all changes across multiple projects, find a better place for binaries, etc.). Until we grow enough to warrant such efforts or make engine core into open source so other people may contribute to it, I'd prefer to keep it small and tidy. So all you have to do for now is to create a new ext.*.bnd file, configure your implementation packages into it and release the bundle.

Bundle release. There are two ways to do that:
For quick testing you can simply copy your new bundle from com.atomiton.sff/generated folder to your and start the engine. These jar will not have version in its name and will be re-created on each project [re]build
After you finished your development you can release bundle "officially" by right-click on the bundle and selecting "Release Bundle". This will run semantic versioning tool and suggest correct version for the bundle based on the previous release if any. Going through this exercise only makes sense when you intend to publish bundle for public use so it will be living it's own life from now on for eternity. Note that it will not allow you to save your bundle if you try to insist on the same (i.e. wrong) version for the new release (it will give you a weird error which does not make any sense). I guess depending on the circumstances this can be either a blessing or a curse. Until we start publishing/selling our bundles it's more of a nuisance to bump the version every few hours or days. So if you want to play with this process I suggest you quit eclipse, delete the contents of cnf/releaserepo, restart eclipse and try from a clean slate. I see no any advantage in having high number versions until we reach some stability so changes become infrequent and version bumps meaningful. To that end I've removed cnf/releaserepo from our git repo so you can play with release versions to your heart content on your local box. Once you've finished playing, you can check your final result (with version please!) into SFF/run/ which currently is the "master" run environment. Please don't forget to remove any library bundles which are no longer needed as well.
Tips and tricks:
Not every bnd header or instruction is available from eclipse UI form when you create/edit a bnd file. Useful examples are:
DynamicImport-Package: * header will allow for run-time resolution of packages which are not pre-wired at bundle load time. This is something you need to understand about OSGi. Everything is perfectly dynamic when we use OSGi services (i.e. java interface-base contracts between components). These are fully dynamic and can come and go at any time and they what makes OSGi so attractive a platform in the first place. Everything is seamless when you use services. Then, unfortunately, there are non-service dependencies (i.e. old plain package and class references between classes). These are not dynamic and instead wired statically at bundle load time. What's worse, generally they cannot be changed without full bundle refresh which, in turn, may require another bundle refresh etc. Eventually, many dynamic bundle loaders like felix fileinstall resort to nothing less but full framework stop/restart cycle. This provides consistency, but employs a rather drastic measure to achieve it. Our current implementation of SffStartup does not do full restart nor it tries to refresh any already active bundles which formally renders any new packages inaccessible for old bundles except indirectly via services.  DynamicImport-Package manifest header gives OSGi container a permission to try to resolve requested packages at run-time. Note that this will essentially render OSGi package versioning system disabled and revert to equivalent of old classpath. It is OK if you have to deal only with a single version of your package at a time, but may cause trouble when multiple versions are present as you have no say in which version you'll get this way. Use with caution when absolutely necessary, otherwise avoid.
-exportcontents instruction will help you to eliminate "...export have private references" warning (I suggest you take care of all warnings as they may indicate potential problems). This is often arises when you embed some dependency (e.g. phidget library) into your bundle, but have a mix of private and exported packages. Of course you may export everything (including phidget stuff), but that may not be a good idea. Normally you're supposed to export only your own stuff. This instruction changes manifest Export-Package header in a way that exports given package[s], but does not try to include them from the classpath so they are only "visible" to the bundle itself
Eventually, there should be no reason to expose any of your implementation packages to the rest of the system. So your SffObjectFactory service should be the one and only entry point for your extension. If you think of a reason why you need to export your packages please let me know so I can find a better solution.

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